Exploring the evolution of religion and morality in human society.
Welcome to Y City Publishing
We are pleased to bring you a publishing company open to difficult subjects. We are committed to providing an arena for the exploration of various aspects of religion, mythology and human behavior as they affect our society, regardless of their cultural popularity. We are not here to make a great profit, rather we aim to provide a voice for concepts that deserve greater exposure.
There will always be evolution in human societies — some may be bad, some may be good, but morals, ethics, laws, behavior and social structures will continue to change in response to pressures within and without our societies. We don’t always see this clearly. We like to think that our values and social structures remain stable and unchanging. They never do. That change is often gradual and unnoticed, so we don’t see it unless we study history. Then we see that nothing ever stays exactly the same, if we look at a long enough period of time.
So that is what we do. We want to encourage discussion of these topics, in the hope this leads us to thoughts and concepts which are beyond those that are currently considered the norm, but believe that evolution is the only thing that is normal. The sooner we are able to give voice to and accept concepts which make greater sense of what we say, what we do, how we behave; and make greater sense of the world around us, the sooner we will be able to live in harmony.
We believe in freedom of expression, even though that expression challenges current belief and myths. We encourage you to join us in this exploration of evolution of our self-perception and our society.